• Trump supporters launched a Goya “buy-cott” in which they stockpile Goya products, in response to leftists boycotting the brand.
    • Conservatives including Fox News Host Mark Levin, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Sen. Marco Rubio have supported the buy-cott.
    • One pro-Trump consumer launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to buy and donate Goya products to food pantries in the D.C. area.
    • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

After Goya CEO Robert Unanue praised President Trump during a meeting at the White House last Thursday, anti-Trump consumers called for a boycott of the Hispanic food brand. After the initial backlash, Unanue doubled down on his statement of support for the President saying that he would not apologize.

In reaction to the boycott, Trump supporters have launched a “buy-cott.” The buy-cott was pitched by Fox News host Mark Levin on Saturday.

Other conservatives including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio voiced their support for the buy-cott. According to Fox News, "The View" co-host Meghan McCain said she found the boycott "weird and callous," voicing concern that a boycott could put more people out of work during a global pandemic.

Trump and Goya supporters have also attacked the left's boycott as suppression of free speech, and an emblem of "cancel culture." In an interview with FOX News on Friday Unanue said that the boycott is "a reflection of a division that exists today in our country."

According to FOX Business, a Goya supporter in Virginia named Casey Harper started a GoFundMe to raise funds to buy Goya products that he will then donate to food banks in the D.C. area. Harper told FOX Business that he thought his success in fundraising so far was a result of people feeling "tired of having to walk on eggshells in political discourse."

"What if we rise up to say no to cancel culture AND feed the country at the same time?" the fundraising page reads. Currently, the GoFundMe has raised $69,523, surpassing its goal of $59,000.